University Education in Turkey
Click to access the brochures on University Education in Turkey published by YÖK.
TRYÖS 2025 Exam Important Dates
Gazette Hacettepe
About BİLSİS (for Administrative Users)
  1. BILSIS administrative user login is used by both authorized staff in the administrative units of our university and teaching staff with administrative duties.
  2. For administrative staff login, the staff ID number and the BILSIS password should be filled in the "user name" and "password" sections respectively. BILSIS account will be blocked after three attempts to log into the system with incorrect credentials on the administrative user login page. To unblock your account, you are required to send an email to containing your request along with your username, name, and surname. After your account is unblocked, you can log into the system with your current administrative user account password.
  3. If you forget your administrative user account password, you are required to send an email to containing your username, name, surname, and request for a new administrative user password. Your new password will be sent to your email address registered in the system.
  4. To open an account for newly-appointed administrative users, an official letter should be sent by the units they are appointed to in the same way as explained in paragraph 3 above under teaching staff section.
  5. You can access BILSIS guides to administrative operations (e.g. curriculum operations guide, course operations guide, and Bologna operations guide) prepared for administrative users by following the path: "Other Operations > Announcements” on the left-hand menu after logging into the system. It is strictly forbidden to share the guides as per the Law on the Protection of Personal Data.

Should you have any problems and questions regarding BILSIS, you can contact the SAO at