University Education in Turkey
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Gazette Hacettepe
Transfer Application and Admission

The term “transfer” refers to when a student enrolled in a higher education institution gains the right to continue his/her studies in another diploma program at the same level, in accordance with the established principles.

Brief information on internal and external transfer and transfer through Central Placement Score (Additional Article 1) is provided below.

External and Internal Transfer:

Quotas for external and internal transfer are determined by the Higher Education Council and by the University Administrative Board respectively. Students cannot transfer to the preparatory class of associate and undergraduate degree programs; to the first and last semesters of associate degree programs, and to the first and last two semesters of undergraduate degree programs. Students may apply to the same or an equivalent program, provided that they meet the required criteria. On the dates specified in the transfer calendar published every year, applications for internal and external transfer are accepted and evaluated by the relevant units in accordance with the principles established in the guidelines adopted by the Senate of Hacettepe University, and the results are announced. No quotas are set out for students enrolled in higher education institutions abroad.

Transfer through Central Placement Score (Additional Article 1):

In order to be able to apply for this type of transfer, referred to as "Additional Article 1" in short, the central placement score of the student enrolled in a higher education institution in the year of registration must be equal to or higher than the base score of the diploma program s/he wishes to transfer to. At Hacettepe University, transfers through central placement scores are made in August for fall semesters, and no applications are accepted for spring semesters.

You can access the "Transfer Calendar" under "Academic Calendars" and the directives on transfers under "Regulations and Guidelines" on our web page.

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