University Education in Turkey
Click to access the brochures on University Education in Turkey published by YÖK.
TRYÖS 2025 Exam Important Dates
Gazette Hacettepe
Guidelines for Summer School Course Registrations

Course Selection for Hacettepe University Students:

  • Summer school course registrations will start at 10:00 on 08.07.2024 and will end at 16:00 on 12.07.2024.
  • The list of courses planned to be offered in the summer school has been published on the Student Affairs Office website.
  • Course selections should be made according to the course selection rules announced on the Student Affairs Office website.

Course selection in summer school: Students can select course(s) through the course registration screen, adhering to the department offering the course(s) and the set quotas. After choosing their courses, the total fee will be displayed on the system. Students must then pay the fee at the designated bank or ATM and finalize their course registration on the same interface. If the finalization is not completed, the course will not be officially registered, even if the fee has been paid. Once the registration is finalized, course selections cannot be altered.

  • There is no advisor approval process in the summer school.
  • After selecting the course you intend to take from the list of planned summer school courses, ensure you choose it from your curriculum if it is part of your program. Courses outside your curriculum can be selected from the 'Elective/Non-Departmental Courses' section.
  • You can select a maximum of 3 courses in the summer school.
  • You can access an example calculation for your courses here.
  • Hacettepe University's undergraduate/associate degree summer school fee collection processes will be carried out through Vakıfbank.
  • When depositing the fee at the ATM, follow the path: Ödemeler > Eğitim ve Sınav Ödemeleri > Üniversite Ödemesi > Enter Foreigner Identification Number > Enter Mobile Phone Number > Select Institution (15-Hacettepe Üniversitesi Örgün/İkinci Egt./Yaz Okulu) > Enter Student Number to make the payment.
  • After the course registration week, the list of courses that will be offered will be announced. Courses or sections with fewer than five students will not be opened, and fees for these courses will be refunded at dates to be announced later.
  • Since the quotas of the courses offered in the summer school are determined by the department offering the course, you should contact the department in question for issues related to quotas.

Course Selection for Non-Hacettepe Students:

  • Summer school course registrations will start at 10:00 on 08.07.2024 and will end at 16:00 on 12.07.2024.
  • A maximum of 3 courses can be selected in the summer school.
  • The list of courses planned to be offered in the summer school has been published on the Student Affairs Office website.
  • Non-Hacettepe students can complete their application processes by following the steps below.
  1. Log in to the system at and fill in the necessary information under "Create a new user" to access the application screen.
  2. The fields to be filled in on the application screen:
  • Identity information (photo in jpg format must be uploaded) - Account information in your name to be used in case of fee refund
  • Contact information
  • University information
  • Application Information: Select the faculty/department where the course will be taken. If courses are chosen from multiple faculties, selecting any one of them is sufficient. 
  1. After filling in the application information, save the form by clicking "Save" at the bottom of the screen, then print the application form by clicking "Print" and fill in the necessary fields. 
  • You need to apply to the department/program offering the course with this form to get approval for the courses to be taken in the summer school.
  • After the approval process, submit the approved form to the Student Affairs Office.
  1. The approved courses will be uploaded to the system, and the required fee will be determined. After the fee is paid at Vakıfbank ATMs or bank branches, the Student Affairs Office will approve the course registration, and necessary information will be provided during form submission. Courses for which the fee is not paid will be removed from the student's record.
  • When depositing the fee at the ATM, follow the path: Ödemeler > Eğitim ve Sınav Ödemeleri > Üniversite Ödemesi > Enter Foreigner Identification Number > Enter Mobile Phone Number > Select Institution (15-Hacettepe Üniversitesi Örgün/İkinci Egt./Yaz Okulu) > Enter Student Number to make the payment.