University Education in Turkey
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Gazette Hacettepe
Procedures and Principles Governing Academic Advising at Associate and Undergraduate Level



ARTICLE 1 – Basis: Hacettepe University Procedures and Principles Governing Academic Advising at Associate and Undergraduate Level are based on paragraph ‘c’ of Article 22 of The Higher Education Act No. 2547 and Article 19 of Hacettepe University Regulation on Associate and Undergraduate Education and Examinations.

ARTICLE 2 – Aim and Scope: The aim of Hacettepe University Procedures and Principles Governing Academic Advising at Associate and Undergraduate Level is to define procedures and principles regarding academic advising that will be offered to associate and undergraduate students in accordance with the vision and mission of Hacettepe University, and aims and principles of educational programs as defined in regulations and directives.

These procedures and principles cover the procedures and principles regarding academic advising to be offered to associate and undergraduate students.

ARTICLE 3 – Academic advising: Academic advising is the guidance that is offered to students of Hacettepe University by the instructors of the respective department/division/art division with a view to improve their academic life and to maximize their career development and overall development during their period of study at Hacettepe University.

ARTICLE 4 – Assignment of academic advisor: An academic advisor shall be assigned by the respective head of department to each associate/undergraduate student enrolled in the University at the beginning of the academic year they enroll in the University. Instructors of the department are assigned as advisors, with the student/advisor ratio determined in accordance with the department structure. Considering the total number of students/instructors in the departments (divisions/art divisions), if possible, the student/advisor ratios shall not exceed 30 advisees per advisor. Instructors to be assigned as advisors shall be selected, firstly, from the academic staff with a doctoral degree/specialty in medicine. After the distribution of students this way, with each of such staff assigned as an advisor to a group of students, the remaining students may be distributed in the same manner among the instructors holding no doctoral degree/specialty in medicine.

Unless inevitable, the advisor of a student shall not be changed, however, upon the request from the advisee or the advisor, the change shall be possible.

If possible, faculty members holding administrative titles such as Rector, Vice Rector, Dean, Vice Dean, Director/Vice Director of Institute, Director/Vice Director of School, Head of Department and Head of Division/Art Division that offers a separate curriculum and diploma shall not be assigned as advisors during their tenures.

ARTICLE 5 – Organization and execution of academic advising services: Academic advising shall be offered in accordance with the principles as follows:

a. All the academic advising activities shall be executed under the Vice Deans of Faculties/Vice Directors of Schools and Vice Directors of Vocational Schools who are in charge of educational activities.

b. Academic advisors shall provide academic advising to their advisees during the students’ period of study.

c. In addition to the registration period, academic advisors may hold group meetings with advisees at least once a semester; and individual meetings with students who request advising in a one-hour advising period included in their weekly programs. Advisors shall announce their advising hours in a way that students can access.

d. In case the academic advisor leaves his/her job due to any reason, takes a long-term leave of absence or is assigned (to other departments/institutions) for a long term, the respective Head of Department shall assign one of the instructors, if possible, one with a doctoral degree and if not, one without a doctoral degree as an advisor to the related group of advisees.

e. The duties and responsibilities of the “academic advisor” as defined in these Procedures and Principles shall also apply for “program coordinators” in vocational schools.

f. The preparatory class students who study at the School of Foreign Languages shall be offered academic advising by the instructors of this School in accordance with these procedures and principles. Such students shall be assigned a new advisor in accordance with Article 4 of these Procedures and Principles when they advance to the programs they were placed in.

g. Hacettepe University Procedures and Principles Governing Academic Advising at Associate and Undergraduate Level shall be put into effect and monitored by the Deans of Faculties/Directors of Schools/Vocational Schools.

ARTICLE 6 – Duties of an academic advisor: The advisor carries out the following duties towards their advisees;

a. To approve semester course registration of advisees by discussing their academic standing together with the concerned student;

b. To examine the status of students who are eligible for graduation and to approve their graduation at the end of the semester/year;

c. To monitor advisees’ academic status and evaluates the process together with them;

d. To inform advisees of their rights and liabilities;

e. To guide and answer the queries of advisees about their career/professional life;

f. The advisor may guide the advisee in matters of personal and social development upon the request from the student;

g. To raise awareness for the conduction of educational activities in accordance with the ethical principles.

ARTICLE 7 – Cases with no provisions: For cases which are not covered by these procedures and principles, the provisions of Hacettepe University Regulation on Associate and Undergraduate Education and Examinations and the decisions of the Senate and Administrative Board of Hacettepe University shall apply.

ARTICLE 8 – Annulled Procedures and Principles: Hacettepe University Procedures and Principles Governing Academic Advising Associate and Undergraduate Level which came into force with the Senate Decision dated 04.09.2013 and numbered 2013-302 are hereby annulled.

ARTICLE 9 – Enforcement: These procedures and principles shall come into force as of the date of approval by the Senate of Hacettepe University.

ARTICLE 10 – Implementation: These procedures and principles are implemented by The Rector of Hacettepe University.