University Education in Turkey
Click to access the brochures on University Education in Turkey published by YÖK.
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Gazette Hacettepe
Student Loans and Scholarships Granted by the Higher Education Student Loans and Dormitories Institution (KYK)

Applications for KYK scholarships and student loans are submitted via the E-Government portal between the dates announced at the beginning of the academic year. The procedures to follow for those who have been granted a scholarship or a student loan are explained in detail on the institution's result announcement page. Students who are granted a scholarship or a loan are required to approve “the letter of undertaking” on the scholarship/loan approval page of the E-Government portal between the specified dates. ( )

KYK Scholarship

This is a non-refundable scholarship granted to successful and underprivileged higher education students as per the provisions of Law No. 5102 on Granting Scholarships and Loans to the Higher Education Students.  The scholarship of students who are reported to have failed by the higher education institution is terminated and cannot be reinstated. However, a student loan may be granted to those who seek to apply for a student loan on the date of termination of the scholarship, in accordance with the provisions of the KYK Regulation on Student Loans. As the canceled scholarships are replaced with a loan automatically without an application process, students who seek to get a loan or cancel the loan are strongly advised to follow the relevant process in person and to apply to the institution with an official letter.

Success Criteria For Retaining KYK Scholarship

The success criteria for all scholarship students are defined as follows:

1) students with CGPA of 2.00 and above on a 4.00 scale,

2) students who proceed to the first year of their programs after completing the preparatory class will be considered successful from the 2017-2018 Academic Year.

Reasons for Discontinuation of Scholarship

The scholarship is cancelled in the event of;

  • Failure (students with a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 and above on a 4.00 scale and students who proceed to the first year of their program after completing the preparatory class are deemed successful),
  • Failure to renew course registration (in fall and spring semesters),
  • Withdrawal, dismissal, or suspension from the higher education institution, 
  • Withdrawal and taking a leave of absence, 
  • Discontinuation of studies in the higher education institution due to health reasons, 
  • Failing a year or discontinuing his/her studies for one year at the former higher education institution (in case of transferring between higher education institutions), 
  • Closure of the higher education institution, 
  • Indefinite expulsion from the institution's dormitories, 
  • A criminal conviction 

What is a KYK Student Loan?

This is the loan granted to Turkish higher education students to support them financially and facilitate their social and cultural development throughout the normal duration of the study, without incurring any obligatory service.

Reasons for Discontinuation of Student Loans

The student loan is cancelled in the event of;

  • Withdrawal, dismissal, or suspension from the higher education institution,
  • Failure to renew course registration (Unregistered students may apply to KYK with an official letter for reinstating their student loans if they renew their registration in the following semesters)
  • Withdrawal and taking a leave of absence, 
  • Discontinuation of studies in the higher education institution due to health reasons, 
  • Failing a year or discontinuing his/her studies for one year at the former higher education institution (in case of transferring between higher education institutions), 
  • Closure of the higher education institution, 
  • Indefinite expulsion from the institution's dormitories, 
  • A criminal conviction